snow white queen

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Explotion Age Comes Again(?)

It seems like a hundred years ago I never write to this blog again..
Well, the main point is not that..
(let's practice english!)

This is about the explosion that happened a few hours ago. Quite surprising. Well, it actually was suprising me a lot!

After all these silence time, the bomb was exploding again! And after all these peace time, the bomb has ruined our beloved country, Indonesia.
(I don't do patriotic, actually..depend on situation)

What are their motives?!

What if economic motive? I guess they may failed, coz as far as I know there ain't significant effect to it. (as far as I know people!)

What if politic motive? Maybe or maybe not. Maybe.. because it happened after the election. Some people said so. (but I'm here not even trying to make a provocation). Maybe not.. because all these time we knew (from news), its reason was about jihad. And I don't agree at all even if I'm a muslim. (maybe the common term for it is jihad motive-??-I don't know, I don't give a crap on it!)

What if they just wanna kill a couple people...(important men were killed and hurted) and they just wanna bruise the motive so they made explotions? Or...what if it's just 'ISENG'? (well.. that reason doesn't count). Or..or...wht if..what if...blablabla...

How could explosive stuffs easily enter to the buildings? Those things were inside the building. And the fist one was exploding in JWM Hotel (again). How could it happened (again)?

Here's the thing. This may be dangerous. Because those ASSH*L* try to directed us to think like what they directed to us!! They planned it, they made speculations, and they maybe an EFFING sistem. A strong EFFING sistem!!

And here we are, sitting around the TV trying to find out what was really happend, making opininons base on what we hear and what we watch, while those creatures-that-were-born-as-shit-in-this-world is loughing at us or at whatever they want to laugh at!

(Why could I think such a tought like that? Movies teach me a lot of things, much more then from school!!)

So my poin is...well I guess I don't have an exact poin. Yet, I just want you all to CURSE those jackass behind these all. Curse them! So they are not able to POO!!FOREVER!.. Hahahaha

After all, I just wanna saya...
"salam jari tengah untuk para teroris!!"

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Cat On Roof

A few days ago, early in a morning. Everything went perfecto to begin a morning.

But! "perfect" thing gone because...


It happens for normal usual cat. And it's ok for them. No need to be surpris. But not with this creature call r.o.c.k.y. He is moron plus moron equals twice moron!

He never had a good experience with hight, specialy roof. Because he couldn't get his ass down from it! Yea, a cat with his ability to stay on roof and scream for help. Ha ha ha.

Back to the morning. I was trying to get him down. And I was using chair to reached him with his fav fish.

Yet, he is a twice moron cat, and I am a damn short girl, so I couln't make it. He was too damn far.

I was leaving him and went to school. It was a shiny day.

That moment was been a shiny day, until I notice that global warming change the climate sharply.

The sky turned grey and then turned dark. It was going to rain. And rocky still on roof.

(when I was home)
I was still trying to got him down. But I couln't coy the rain was pouring.

I hate my self at that time, coz I couln't save him till the day went down.

Him was sacred, was starf, was wet by the rain.

The next day, I was tryin harder to got him. Using more fish to dragged him.

When I got the moment, I reached his leg, and pulled him down!!

Yea...after 2 days, I finally saved rocky.

But, for what it's worth..2 day later, he did the same thing again. Stucked on roof again, and I saved him again!!

Thursday, April 02, 2009


It's been a long time, since I wrote my last post.

Talking about this semester, two words to describe : SCREW IT!

I hate my "10am and 1pm" time at campus. It's really suck!
To crowded to be there, specially the elevator. People lines to go hell.

I hate being a part of that.
Being at that line.
Being a studen who in rush.
And being a stupid moron who do it.

But I've did it today.
Being at the line. Being in a rush.
And being disapointed coz I have a class to attend, and I can't be late!

So, it was my day.
Was at the line.
Was at the rush.
And was attend it in time.

Monday, January 26, 2009


What a moment!!

I've seen a ring ecalips by my own eyes in my front yard..Haha..

The news said that this ecalips will be happen again 30year leter!!Hahaha

But!! The bad news is,, I was saw the ecalips with my bare eyes..Than I realize that I have to use sunglasses..and a very dark one.

Why it's a bad news?
Because seeing ecalips with bare eyes can breaks the retina..
And I can be blind. Permanently.

The effec will be shown 2 days leter.

So guys, pray me not to be blind. Permanently.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

liquid of poison

You are a newcomer, came from nowhere.
Invisibly danger, threating like a hunter.

But you has some kind of magnet.
From your smell that I can't forget.

Your smell is a deadly weapon.
Like a liquid of poison.

Once you stared me, these eyes turned gold.
Once you near me, these tusks I couldn't hold.
And once you touch me , couldn't pretend this cold.

Stay away from me!! I don't want to be what I should be!

I have speed to catch you!
I have stenght to harm you!
I have this insting to eat you!!

I said stay away!!

Human blood..
I'm not those eater!!
Lust of blood..
Don't tempt me with this hunger!!

You dragged me whereever your place,
to protect you from every violance.
You made me move as fast as flash,
to guard you from some kind of clash.

Yes you has some kind of magnet...
from anywhere of yours that I can't regret.

Friday, January 02, 2009

iron maiden

kau melumuriku dengan kebencian
kau yang memulai, dan aku yang mengakhiri
sekenario lama dalam kedendaman
aku berburu dan kau berlari

apa yang salah dengan air mata "tuan yang tangguh"?
kau yang membawaku dalam situasi ini
kau yang merubahku menjadi begini
dan kini kau menghilang

oh Tuhan, lihat dirimu??!!
ketakutan dan terkapar
bersabarlah, tak akan memakan waktu
sekarang semua perlakuanmu akan terbayar

kau terikat dan terjebak
tak ada yang bisa kaulakukan kecuali berteriak
pecutan dan tikaman tak seberapa
karena masih ada hadiah utama

iron maiden, kursi listrik atau kapak
pilihlah cara kematianmu, pilihlah cara yang terburuk
karena kau akan mengingatnya kelak
di alam baka di tempat yang paling terpuruk

Thursday, January 01, 2009

good bye old year

Like all people would say "HAPPY NEW YEAR"

Jadi...waktu gw ke anyer sama anak basket, gw pikir, gw begadang sampe azan subuh berkumandang lagi itu adalah rekor begadang terbaik gw.

Tapi, tanggal 31 Des '08 - 1 Jan '09, rekor baru telah terpecahkan. Entah karena terlalu bersemangat, atau karena gw lupa bagaimana rasanya ngantuk, gw pun ga tidur sampe jam 9an pagi!

Kemaren pas tgl 31 Des, pastinya sebagai anak muda yang masih terpengaruh dehan pesona hedonisme, gw dan teman2 "genk" dan teman2 "band" tetangga mengadakan acara taun baru dengan Main-Event nya adalah makan-ayam-bakar-pake-nasi-uduk-yang-dibikiniin-nyokapnya-iqbal-sambil-nonton-the-davinci-code-sampe-mabok-sprite-dan-coca-cola-tanpa-ada-kembang-api-yang-dibakar.

Acaranya si standar. Bakar ayam, foto, makan, foto, nonton, ga ngerti apa yang ditonton, ngobrol, foto, maen gitar, foto, nyanyi, ngakak, ngobrol, makan mesis, foto, foto, foto, sarapan, foto. Mungkin kamera "it's a nyew" benQ-nya Danang cukup mendominasi. Walopun sebenernya itu kamera aga ngeselin. Karena selain sering blur, ga ada self-timer nya juga...

Tapi di malem ini juga, bagi yang sedang mengalami perselesihan dengan pasangannya cukup nyebelin. Well, lucky I'm not!!

Ketika detik2 menuju hari ini, which is tanggal 1 jan 09, gw dan yang laennya ga sadar uda mau jam 12!

BODOH!! Hampir aja kita kehilangan momen yang ditunggu!!

Mengiringi pergantian taun, gw dan teman2 dari orkestra, yaitu maya dan afnan, melantunkan lagu yang memorebel bagi seluruh anak SD di Indonesia..
dengan alat musik yang sesuai tentunya...seruling.

Karena kita cukup males untuk beranjak, ga ada satupun yang beli kembang api. Jadi kita cuma menikmati kembang api yang dibakar orang lain. Gratis.

Malam makin larut berubah jadi subuh. Sebenernya rencana awal adalah ngerayain taun baru dirumah danang tapi nginepnya di rumah maya. Karena anak2 cowonya terlalu bersemangat untuk tidak beranjak dari rumah danang, jadi kita anak2 cewenya nginep dirumah danang sekalian. Yaaa, walaupun secara teknis ga nginep juga, kan kita ga tidur juga disitu, cuma numpang ngacak2 rumah.

Baru jam 9 pagi sampe dirumah maya (untuk tidur), langsung nyerbu kasur adenya, yang memiliki ukuran double bed. Tapi bukannya langsung tidur, kita malah ngakak2 lupa diri. Gw beranggapan efek dari mabok 'soda' nya baru muncul. Setengah jam kemudian kita akhirnya tidur pulass.
Sampe ada yang nyigo!

p.s : sialnya, baru jam 11an, nyokapnya putri telfon jd gw kebangun dan ga bisa tidur lagi. Akirnya gw memutuskan untuk mandi (lupa gosok gigi).