snow white queen

Thursday, April 02, 2009


It's been a long time, since I wrote my last post.

Talking about this semester, two words to describe : SCREW IT!

I hate my "10am and 1pm" time at campus. It's really suck!
To crowded to be there, specially the elevator. People lines to go hell.

I hate being a part of that.
Being at that line.
Being a studen who in rush.
And being a stupid moron who do it.

But I've did it today.
Being at the line. Being in a rush.
And being disapointed coz I have a class to attend, and I can't be late!

So, it was my day.
Was at the line.
Was at the rush.
And was attend it in time.

1 comment:

Pandu Ramayodya said...

it wasn't so bad, was it ?
being in line like everybody else . .