snow white queen

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Explotion Age Comes Again(?)

It seems like a hundred years ago I never write to this blog again..
Well, the main point is not that..
(let's practice english!)

This is about the explosion that happened a few hours ago. Quite surprising. Well, it actually was suprising me a lot!

After all these silence time, the bomb was exploding again! And after all these peace time, the bomb has ruined our beloved country, Indonesia.
(I don't do patriotic, actually..depend on situation)

What are their motives?!

What if economic motive? I guess they may failed, coz as far as I know there ain't significant effect to it. (as far as I know people!)

What if politic motive? Maybe or maybe not. Maybe.. because it happened after the election. Some people said so. (but I'm here not even trying to make a provocation). Maybe not.. because all these time we knew (from news), its reason was about jihad. And I don't agree at all even if I'm a muslim. (maybe the common term for it is jihad motive-??-I don't know, I don't give a crap on it!)

What if they just wanna kill a couple people...(important men were killed and hurted) and they just wanna bruise the motive so they made explotions? Or...what if it's just 'ISENG'? (well.. that reason doesn't count). Or..or...wht if..what if...blablabla...

How could explosive stuffs easily enter to the buildings? Those things were inside the building. And the fist one was exploding in JWM Hotel (again). How could it happened (again)?

Here's the thing. This may be dangerous. Because those ASSH*L* try to directed us to think like what they directed to us!! They planned it, they made speculations, and they maybe an EFFING sistem. A strong EFFING sistem!!

And here we are, sitting around the TV trying to find out what was really happend, making opininons base on what we hear and what we watch, while those creatures-that-were-born-as-shit-in-this-world is loughing at us or at whatever they want to laugh at!

(Why could I think such a tought like that? Movies teach me a lot of things, much more then from school!!)

So my poin is...well I guess I don't have an exact poin. Yet, I just want you all to CURSE those jackass behind these all. Curse them! So they are not able to POO!!FOREVER!.. Hahahaha

After all, I just wanna saya...
"salam jari tengah untuk para teroris!!"